About Child Urology

Pediatric Urology is a scientific surgical branch, focusing on healthy developement and correction of diseases of urinary (kidneys, bladder and urinary tract) and genital (external and internal) organs, pertaining to patients of childhood age.

Children are not some version of an adult blatantly shrunk. Their constitution is in a constant developement phase until a certain period. Many congenital pathologies seperate patients of this age group, from those belonging to adulthood. Thus, approach to disorders differ significantly from that to adults, and must be evaluated by medical doctors specializing on this subject.

Some disorders covered in Pediatric Urology:
Congenital hydronephrosis (enlargening of kidney)

  • Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)
  • Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UP obstruction)
  • Ureterovesical obstruction (UV obstruction)
  • Posterior urethral valve (PUV)
  • Megaureter
  • Ureterocele

Penis disorders

  • Hypospadias
  • Micropenis
  • Buried penis
  • Penile curvature(obliqueness)

Disorders of groins

  • Undecended testicle
  • Inguinal hernia and hydrocele
  • Testicular or ovarian torsion

Voiding disorders

  • Disfunctional voiding
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
  • Urinary tract infections

Surgical and medical treatments of urinary tract stones
Malignancies of urinary system

  • Wilms tumor
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Bladder malignancies
  • Testicular and ovarian cancer

Sexual development disorders (DSD)

The immense crescendo of knowledge in urology throughout last quarter-century, has caused this science to divide into sub-branches, and it’s practitioners to focus more and more on solitary aspects of it. Yet, Pediatric Urology remains as the greatest and most well developed branch. Pediatric urological disorders, differentiates from adulthood diseases, due to pathologies deriving from congenital defects, and must be approached and treated accordingly. Pediatric Urology, has been a seperate corner stone since 1960s in USA, the leading country in modern Western medicine. The only upper specialism program pertaining to Urology in USA is Pediatric Urology, and many universities house experts to develop scientific knowledge in this area. The continent of Europe shows similarity in this manner, with Pediatric Urology having a seperate professional organization, and titling experts Pediatric Urologist. The founded European Society for Paediatric Urology consists of persons devoting their whole practice to this field. This title, carries a definiton of having the adequate up to date scientific approach to pediatric cases, where a standart urologist could have issues diagnosing and treating. Our country instores many respectable medicine faculties with Urology or Pediatric Surgery departments containing Pediatric Urology departments or units, which have been interconnected since the formation of Board of Turkish Pediatric Urology in 1996. Pediatric Urology has been stated as a legal educational field in 2011, and since trains specialists. Pediatric Urology, or Childhood Urology as is more oftenly used, requires not just a knowledge of urological approach, but also pediatrical knowledge and a mix of basic, clinical and laboratory sciences to operate. Only with centers capable of housing qualified departments of such a wide range of fields, a multi-disciplinary and participative educational model can be achieved, and pediatric urology specialists, needed greatly in our country, can be trained. Hacettepe University Medicine Faculty due to it’s foundation, holds a fundamental aim to improve children’s health in Turkey, and raise spesific pediatric branch specialists. Hacettepe University Medicine Faculty Urology Department, has lead the national urological science community for over a period of fourty years, pioneering with many innovations, and housing a Pediatric Urology Unit as a seperate discipline within it’s structure. This unit has now been providing urology specialists with post-graduation education in Childhood Urology field, for nearly twenty years.